lunes, 16 de mayo de 2022


El grupo 1º ESO F,liderado por su profesora, Raquel Silvente Mallo, participa junto con alumnado de Italia, Francia, Polonia y Turquía en el proyecto e-Twinning “Plastic Panic”, que tiene como objetivo concienciar al alumnado sobre un problema ecológico: la contaminación de los mares/océanos causada por los residuos plásticos. El proyecto empezó en Octubre 2021 y terminará en Junio de 2022. La lengua inglesa es el código lingüístico común para comunicarse y colaborar en la elaboración de los productos finales. Los siguientes videos muestran el desarrollo de una de las tareas del proyecto en la que el alumnado ha realizado una investigación sobre los plásticos y después ha plasmado en forma visual sobre un mural de papel contínuo sus hallazgos sobre cuatro subtemas 

-What are plastics? (¿Qué son los plásticos?)

-Where do they come from? (Origen)

-Plastic Advantages (Ventajas)

-Plastic Dangers (Peligros)

-Plastics: Everyday Solutions (Soluciones cotidianas)

-Plastics: Solutions in each country (Soluciones en cada país)

The best waste is the one that is never produced. Plastic pollution has become one of the most pressing environmental issues of our modern societies as the conveniences plastics offer led to a throw-away culture that reveals the material’s dark side. Every year, about 8 million tons of plastic waste end up in oceans, which is harming animals and possibly human life. (source: National Geographic) Can it be changed?
This yearly project is aimed at promoting sustainable development through the school year thanks to varied activities and active communication with European schools. It is also aimed at developing awareness on the overconsumption of plastic and the damage it causes to our environment.
We are optimistic that young generations are the key to finding practical and easy solutions to protect our environment as it has become urgent to change our everyday habits to face the plastic pollution crisis.
The project starting date will be October 2021 and it will last until June 2022. Groups of 10-14 years-old students from different European secondary and primary schools (France, Italy, Spain and Romania/Turkey) will cooperate to create different final products. They will exchange information about themselves, their schools and their environment; and they will share their opinions, and products on different aspects of plastic pollution. The English language will be the common code for communication.

Here you can watch some videos illustrating the task "Plastic Research" This task has been a complex and challenging task for our students.They have been asked to conduct research about a technical/scientific matter (Where do plastics come from? What are plastics? Advantages; Dangers, Everyday solutions and Solutions in each country) and at the same time do this research in English (a second language). It has taken time to do it: almost two months, research work and creative work included. After doing research about plastics, students were asked to transform their theoretical findings into a final product: an infography. They had to transform textual information into visual clues and keywords. A challenging task for them. We have worked on an extra-big size wallpaper to create these visual schemes.


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